
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA accommodation) is specialist housing for people who have extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. This means you need person-to-person support with daily living tasks such as getting dressed, toileting, transferring safely in and out of bed or getting to appointments. Through the NDIS, you can receive funding to move into a specially designed home that is purpose-built to suit your needs (e.g. a home with wide doorways, robust build, ceiling hoists, an accessible bathroom or kitchen).

As an SDA provider, Embrace Quality Care provides contemporary SDA housing across NSW, QLD & WA with plenty of support in a warm, home-like environment. Be part of the community and enjoy independent living in our range of SDA NDIS homes, while having everything you need to be comfortable and reach your goals.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is the home that a person lives in. It is the physical building, the ‘bricks and mortar’ that has been approved by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). It is not the other supports (i.e. daily living assistance and therapy) that are provided by people.

If you or your client are assessed as eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation, you will need to apply for SDA funding which will then be included in your NDIS plan to cover any disability related housing costs.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme ‘NDIS’ provides SDA funding for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs that require specialised housing to meet these needs.

People who get SDA approved in their NDIS plan are those who, even with appropriate home modifications and/or assistance technologies, still need a high level of in-home support from a paid worker with daily activities (ie: getting in and out of bed, getting dressed, preparing meals, accessing the community).

Funding you receive for SDA is specifically to cover the cost of the housing – including the land it is on – as well as ongoing costs such as maintenance. It can’t be used by a NDIS participant for any other purpose.

The amount of SDA funding included in an NDIS participant’s Plan will vary. It will depend on a range of factors such as the building type, how many people you live with, location and any additional features.

The properties, or rooms within the properties are leased directly to the Participant. Each person will have one or multiple service agreements with support providers.

In addition to the SDA payment, NDIS participants will be expected to make a reasonable rent contribution. This contribution is 25% of the Disability Support Pension, 25% of the Disability Supplement, plus any Commonwealth Rent Assistance. Payment can be arranged electronically through Centrepay.

Supported Disability Accommodation encompasses a range of housing solutions designed for individuals with significant functional limitations or extensive support requirements. These residences incorporate accessible features that promote greater independence and enhance the effectiveness and safety of support services.


Enhanced Livability: Persons with sensory, intellectual, or cognitive impairment living in a shared household with two other housemates.

User-friendly: A dwelling that is co-habited by two other persons which offers people with considerable physical impairment high-level physical access.

Robust: A villa with a self-contained single occupancy for people with severe or profound intellectual disability to encourage independence.


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