Embrace Quality Care provides comprehensive Supported Independent Living (SIL) services to individuals with disabilities. We are committed to making sure your experience in SIL accommodation is a positive one. This means we work closely with you and your family or carers to understand your needs and assisted living goals.
What is Supported Independent Living?
Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a NDIS support package that lets you live with other people with disability, or on your own. It can include support for everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning and personal care.
This support helps build independence and includes assistance with activities such as cooking, cleaning, and personal care. SIL also connects individuals to new activities, social events, and hobbies within their homes and local communities.
Embrace Supported Independent Living (SIL) houses
We will assist you to find suitable NDIS housing across Australia, and if your preference is to live with others with disability, we’ll match you with people you are most compatible with. Our range of partnerships with trusted SDA and Community Housing providers means we have access to a diverse range of high-quality NDIS housing options across Perth. We work collaboratively with you to plan what you need to live the lifestyle you choose and feel safe and connected.
As your Supported Independent Living provider, your Coordinator will work with you to select a team of support workers and plan for your move. Once you’ve moved in, your team will continue to build a strong and honest relationship with you to understand how you like to be supported and your vision for how you want to live.
If you need assistance to maintain your health, our Support Workers are trained in basic wound care, most forms of medication administration and enteral feeding. We have a team of Enrolled Nurses and Registered Nurses who can visit your home or work daily to meet your health needs. Our Therapist, Dieticians, Social Workers, and Positive Behavior Support Clinicians are also on hand to support you.